K3G Solutions

Magento Development Services: How Magento’s Services Can Benefit Your Company

Are you thinking about using Magento development services? Magento is one of the top platforms to use in building e-commerce sites. About 20% of e-commerce sites turn to this platform and more recently it has been bought by Adobe. This acquisition will bring a lot of firepower to this platform. The reasons to use Magento are simple – it’s robust, it’s open source and there’s a lot of community support. However, you may still be on the fence between hiring a development firm and doing it by yourself.

Read on to learn why hiring a Magento developer makes more sense for your e-commerce site.

Save Time

Do you know how much time it takes to build an e-commerce site? If you think that it’s easy to set up, it’s true, it won’t take you long to setup with an out-of-the box-solution. However, it’s very rare when you find an out of the box solution that will give you everything you want and need out of your site. Do you have the time and mental energy to learn to code yourself and customize your site to your specifications? What’s the opportunity cost of doing that? In other words, if you spent your time building a website rather than generating new business, what will that cost your business in lost revenue? Your time is a precious commodity and you want to make sure that it’s spent in a way that is an asset to your business rather than a liability. You could build your e-commerce site yourself, but you could miss out on what the platform has to offer. After all, you don’t know what you don’t know.

Even if you have developers in-house to build your site, do they have Magento expertise? Do you want to pay them the time it takes to learn Magento and to build the site? Their time is going to be better spent doing what they are good at instead of trying to learn an unfamiliar platform.

Developers Know How to Maximize Magento

You might know just enough about Magento and code to be dangerous. You could build a site on your own, if you had the time. But, just because you can, doesn’t mean that you should. You could be missing out on a lot of the power behind Magento, simply because you didn’t know enough about it. For example, did you know that Magento has several versions? Are you aware of all the possibilities that Magento can offer your e-commerce site? That’s a big advantage of hiring reputable Magento development services. You can relax, focus on your business, and know that you’re going to see the true power of Magento being utilized with your e-commerce site.

They Understand Design and the User Experience

When you’re building an e-commerce site, you’re doing so with one goal in mind. That’s to sell products. You want your website to reflect that. What separates good web developers from the rest is that they understand how customers make an online purchase. They understand that customers rarely buy from an online site on the first visit.  Developers will set up your website to reach customers at each step of the customer’s journey before they purchase. They may recommend setting up an email campaign to help you capture visitors and give you an opportunity to sell to customers after they visit your site.

They’ll also keep in mind what happens after a customer makes a purchase. They may suggest ways to get reviews, which will increase conversions on your site. When they create your Magento site, they’ll keep the entire customer journey in mind, which will give you an excellent return on your investment.

Magento Development Services Know SEO

Do you know that Google uses up to 200 factors in its algorithm to determine search results? Some factors include keywords, backlinks, site speed, and your site’s structure. Even if you’re just selling to the Portland/Vancouver metro area, SEO is critical for your e-commerce site. Most searches end with the phrase near me. Your site should have a solid foundation built in to be able to rank in searches. That will put you in a great position to capture those potential customers.


They Keep the Up with Changes

The best thing about hiring experts is that it’s their job to stay up to date in their industry. For Magento developers, they need to know what’s changing in the industry and how your site may be impacted. For example, Magento was recently bought out by Adobe. While this is a great thing for many reasons, Magento developers will understand if there are any drawbacks and what they are. They’ll also stay up to date on emerging technologies that change how people shop. It’s well known that more people are shopping on their phones.

Did you know that voice search is the next frontier for shoppers? People using home assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and Google’s Assistant. They are asking these assistants to find products for them. They’ll ask questions like “What’s the best running shoe for $80?”

It’s estimated that people shopping by voice will spend $40 billion in the U.S. and U.K. in the next 4 years. Developers will also need to be up to date on e-commerce trends in Portland, so if your business is strictly local, you’re still in the hands of local e-commerce experts. When you hire these kinds of local experts to build and maintain your Magento site, you don’t have to worry about investing time to keep up with these changes.

The Benefits of Choosing Magento Development Services

Magento is a popular choice for many e-commerce stores because of its power and flexibility right out of the box. When you’re looking at your options for building a e-commerce website in-house or hiring Magento development services, hiring experts makes a lot more sense. You’ll save time, mental energy, and make sure your site is secure. If you’re one of the 30,000 businesses in Portland and need an online retail presence, contact us today to see what we can do for your business.